Grand Finale by NTR TRUST

August 15, 2015 at 11:00 am NTR Trust, Opposite KBR Park

We invite supporters of Aditya Mehta Foundation to join the of the 2015 Infinity Ride Grand Finale. The ride will start at NTR Trust (next to LV Prasad Eye Institute, opposite KBR Park) at 6 am and reach to meet and greet the Infinity riders at Shamshabad 35kms from our start point. After collecting free Lunch coupons at Shamshabad, we will then be riding back with them to NTR Trust by 11 am. The grand finale will be held at NTR Trust Bhavan at 11 am with lunch sponsored by NTR TRUST BHAVAN and valedictory function, honouring our Infinity Riders and giving donations to our athletes. There will be wide media coverage with celebrity presence during the occasion.


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